Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven: New Order - 4

Oh dear, sweet Hylia, I need some sleep.

Download Link: Volume 1 Chapter 4

Also, Renton is proving himself capable of providing half the DNA for a child as GAR as Ao now. Too bad that's an AU, or else maybe Ao would like him a lot more. Hell, I like him a lot more, and I already liked him a ton to begin with. Eureka has good taste; he might be a clown, but I'll take a Renton over a boring old bishounen any day.


[Spoilers Beyond This Point!]

I find it interesting that so much of this manga focuses on Anemone's psychology rather than Eureka's. I've never quite been able to empathize with Anemone to the same level that I can with Eureka, so I'm really enjoying all this exposure to her character. Her hatred toward Eureka is understandable, but I thought it curious how similar her reasoning is to Talho's jealousy. They both hate that the world seems to revolve around our turquoise-haired shoujo (or not, considering she's physically like thirty years old), and they don't understand why life is unfair enough that that's the case. Of course, neither of them really understands Eureka's pain; they just assume she gets everything she wants.

As to Eureka herself, she's still unwilling to accept the consequences of having Renton accompany her. She doesn't want him to be in danger, but she doesn't think about how he feels about leaving her behind either. I suppose it's another step forward for her once she gets it, but right now Renton really is proving himself incredibly mature. Though he knows what ultimately must happen, he's sticking with the girl he loves to the very last, until the moment when she either forgets him or is lost to him forever.

Oh and, someday, try translating all the Dewey pages for fun. Really.


  1. Thanks for sacrificing your time for all the scans and translations. I'm really enjoying this alternate ending.

    On a side note, on page 016 (I think), Dewey's kid states "He reported that the Type Zero sorted without permission." I'm guessing that was a typo. If not I'm confused. Anyhow thought I'd let you know.

    Thanks again for translating New Order.

    1. Hello,

      It's no problem at all, I just like to complain, haha.

      For once, that actually wasn't a typo. The dialogue says in Japanese "The Type Zero has sortied on its own". For some reason they're calling TheEND just by it's Type Zero subset, and to sortie is a military term which implies an offensive maneuver in which attackers head out on an operation from a base, usually done in all speed.

      I hope that was helpful, and I'm always happy to be of help!

  2. You're just fantastic. I'm so glad to see more!

    You have an obvious passion for this franchise and I really appreciate someone with that level of respect working on this.

    1. I assume this is the same commenter as below, but just in case I'm wrong, you're very welcome! I'm just giving back what the fandom has given to me over the years. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

  3. Just a small issue - the archive structure is inconsistent and the nested folder is improperly labeled. Previous releases used a 'Chapter x' structure, and this one is simply 'Ch 5'. That's not a typo - the nested folder is 'Ch 5' despite it actually content being chapter four. I read these using an app on my Android tablet, and this unfortunately causes it to be organized improperly.

    Again, I really appreciate this work of yours. It's high-quality and you are very involved with the people who take the time to comment.

    1. Oh I'm sorry! That's because I labeled the folder incorrectly at first. I'll put up another version in a moment. I'm really sorry about that, it was like five AM when I zipped the folder.

      Here's the fixed version, I hope this is okay:

      I'll fix the link above in a second.

      You're very welcome, I love this series and its fans and since I have the ability to translate I'm more than happy to do so. I will also be providing AO scans and a translation of the Pocketful of Rainbows novel this year, so please look forward to it. I know that when I couldn't read Japanese it was really unfortunate not having access to all of this amazing work, and I just want to spread it as much as possible. I also feel like it's rude not to comment back; people take the time to comment, so the least I could do is thank them for doing so.

    2. This is, in fact, the same commenter!

      You always respond so articulately, however, and there is a care to your responses. You're very sincere. I can't help but appreciate that dearly.

      And what an expedient fix! Thank you so much!

      People like you are so rare. Thank you.

      I'll be sure to sort out an identifier for when I comment in the future. My name is Dominick, so it will likely be simply that. c:

    3. In that case, you're welcome doubly as much!

      I like to think that courtesy creates ripples. If you're unkind, you can't expect kindness in return, and while I might be a little grumpy or frantic sometimes, I try to be in good humor when talking to others as a general rule. And I have no reason not to be when people are taking the time to stop by and enjoy the manga, or my reviews, or whatever it is that causes the occasional visitor to drop by. I don't know that I'm as articulate or sincere as you say, but please enjoy whatever you can when you come here.

      Not a problem at all, it was my mistake.

      You don't have to if you don't want to, I just wasn't sure if I was addressing the same person or not! It's nice to meet you Dominick, I hope to see you around again sometime!

  4. I think that the anemone's redemption in the anime was more quick than i would like, and now i have hope that they will work more on this (if it will have a redemption at all)...

    Thank you Kairi, you're amazing ...

    1. There's definitely a lot more exposition on the whole Eureka-Anemone relationship, considering they never met face to face in the original series. They were always at battle or connected subconsciously rather than directly.

      You're welcome! The last chapter will be translated by the weekend.

  5. Anemone is one of those characters I couldn't form an attachment to.....and that says a lot for a show like Eureka Seven where practically the entire cast (minus Dewey) is so lovable. She's not a bad character, but definitely not as good as Eureka. And thanks for the lovely work Kairi~~~~~ *smooch*

    1. Hmm, I'm attached to her, but nowhere near as much as with Eureka. She's an interesting foil and a complicated personality, though she and Eureka aren't really as different psychologically as they look. They just express themselves in vastly different ways.

      You're welcome, haha. Sadly after chapter five there's a long wait for volume 2 to be published, or I'd have a ton more for you guys ready throughout the summer. Instead I'm doing the AO manga and the film novel.

    2. I feel like I need to watch the show again to understand her psychological profile better. I do get why she's so broken though, it's just her tantrum makes it hard to like her no matter how much I rationalize it....that and as Paulo above me said, her redemption came a little too fast for me.

    3. You don't have to like a character for them to be good though. There's been characters I've vehemently hated but had to acknowledge were good ones. Shinji from NGE is one of them. I can't stand him, but I get that he's an interesting psychological case study.

      A lot of the ending of Eureka Seven was rushed though. Which is why I wish they'd stayed with NO rather than changing to the Wish Upon A Star route. Anemone's development was shortchanged a bit as a result.

  6. Hello kairi! I been coming to your blog ever since you started NO and i have to say that your awsome! I also would like to say that. I JUST finished Shinsekai Yori and it was amazing.

    1. Hi Anon! Thank you so much for visiting LoQ, I'm really happy to hear you like coming here. I'm also excited to hear that you liked Shinsekai, it's one of my recent favorites!

      Keep on the lookout for NO 5 sometime later tonight! Thanks again, I hope I can always be of help to you!
