Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring 2013 Anticipated Series Poll Results

It may not be much, but it's interesting how our percentages are more or less consistent with what happened on much larger sites.

Shingeki no Kyoujin pretty much wins it out everywhere for most anticipated series of the season, though the top ten on this poll are more or less the top ten everywhere else, just in different order. Here's hoping they live up to the hype.

With that, we're off to the battlefield. Let the season begin!


  1. I love sci-fi, so no complaints here hah, even with the ridiculous amount of mediocre shows. I can't wait for some of these! Also, I would be pretty frustrated if we don't see anything from Bones next season...which seems like a ominous possibility right now with practically no information release.

    1. This is quite the season for sci-fi fans, which is great for us. The percentage is much more balanced this time. I think we'd have to wait til Fall at the earliest, I think, for Bones. They never really do more than two series a year, and Zetsuen and AO were both two-cour shows.

    2. Bones averages about 2-3 shows per year, 2 when they have carryovers and longer projects. But at this rate...they would probably only have one this year, since ZnT is technically last year's show. This is actually the longest absence between series they've ever had. Winter season is the one they tend to skip and there is usually a larger gap before a big project, like with FMA-B, but even then they rarely skip two seasons in a row, and three if we count summer, unless we go all the way back to their debut years lol...My take is that they are probably preparing a couple of shows at the same time.

    3. Who knows, we might get a summer series. After all, AO was only announced in December and was airing by April. That, or they're putting in a lot more work into what comes next. It's possible they might be doing two, true. Maybe they don't really think about it in these terms though; as long as we get Bones by the end of the year, I'm happy. xD
