Monday, April 8, 2013

Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven: New Order - 5

This chapter wraps up volume 1, which means we have at least one more month to wait until Volume 2 is published. Thank you so much for being patient with my slow releases and my poor quality scans. I hope I was able to do something for the E7 community as a whole, and I will definitely continue to scan and translate this series until the end. Thanks so much for your support, and please enjoy this chapter!

Download Link: Volume 1 Chapter 5

Please thank Scanbro on /a/ for cleaning this chapter! If it wasn't for her, this would have been delayed horrendously thanks to the Battle of Spring (yes, that's a thing here on LoQ, shhhhhh) and real life.

Translator Notes: Yes, right away Anma. O_O I love seeing Eureka angry. Though I guess this isn't a translation note, is it? Anyway, translating the whole "Limit of Questions is happening, must sacrifice self" thing is a little redundant; it'd be nice if they shortened it, especially since I have to look up the kanji every time. Enjoy!

[Spoilers Beyond This Point!]

Oh cruel Bones, why would you do this to me so soon after AO!? The cliffhanger is bad enough, but just looking at Eureka's expression when she declares she and Renton aren't the same... I can faintly hear Kaori Nazuka screaming, and it makes me shiver. I'd love to see this animated someday, though that would be a long shot.

It was about time for Renton to voice how he really feels about all this, and the truth is he's not as mature as he's tried to be for her over the last four chapters. He hates hearing her talk about herself like she's a creature instead of a person, and while he knows what she says is inevitable, he wants to be like a child and scream until he drowns out the truth of her words. And who wouldn't? When the one you love is about to sacrifice themselves for you and for the entire world? How do you stop them from doing that? How do you live with yourself?

As to Anemone, she's mostly unconscious this chapter, but there's a very real truth in that she and Eureka are inverses rather than twins. I have no idea how Miyama-sensei plans to wrap this up, or how this confrontation between these two damaged girls will turn out, but the summer couldn't get here nearly fast enough for me to find out.


  1. This is gonna be a looooong wait until summer x)
    Anyway, great chap as always!
    I always liked Anemone, she reminds me of Pinocchio wanting to be a real boy, except that in her case she would like to be Eureka herself (that's just a personal opinion of course).
    Great work and keep it up :p !
    Sincerely, Daniel.

    1. It is, I'm already anxious!
      I hope you enjoyed it! I like Anemone too, but Eureka is also like that in that she wants to be human and can't.
      No problem, thanks so much for your support!

  2. Again, your releases receive such little attention, and yet again how fantastic it is!

    I really appreciated the parallel, inverse relationship between Eureka and Anemonone this chapter established. I've always felt like there hasn't been enough time spent in the franchise exploring the relationship between these two significantly connected characters. Hopefully this is seen to change!

    I am grateful and impressed as always! I look forward to your future work.

    1. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

      I also really liked the relationship; it was somewhat glossed over in the anime, so it's great to see it get some real coverage here.

      It's no problem at all, I'm just happy to be of service. Please thank Scanbro for her help as well!

  3. Just passing to say: Thank you kairi and the Scanbro too!

    1. You're welcome! I hope you enjoyed the release!

  4. Thanks for the hard work Kairi. I'm downloading the chapter now! I could help out with Kanji if you ever need it, it's the only part of Japanese I could understand LOL...since I read Chinese. But I agree, we need to see this animated ...O__O... Oh Bones...

    1. You're welcome, I hope you'll like it! That would be great but the thing is I have to know the sound in Japanese in order to look up what it means or how to fit it into the sentence. T-T
