Sunday, April 28, 2013

RDG: Red Data Girl - 6

"The First Sleepover"

I truly wish I were blogging this with the two week delay, but on the other hand I'm discovering much earlier just how beautiful a series this is overall.

Though it's already at its halfway point, RDG seems to have no sense of urgency as it nears the end of its run. It continues to develop at its gorgeously relaxed pace and slowly but surely brings out its plot and characters as if it were the novel it were adapted from, rather than the adaptation it truly is. It's a shame that the series' strengths lie in subtlety and thus lack the hook so many contemporary viewers want from their shows because this means that there isn't as much attention on RDG as there should be. Blockbuster this isn't, and in a season full of action, drama, and flair, that's unfortunately not going to stand out. Yet the more I watch, the more I'm convinced that Red Data Girl deserves its spot in my top five picks for Spring so far, and this episode is a great example of just that.

In fact, this is the week where I really felt the supporting cast come into its own, and while I wish this had happened earlier, it's nevertheless engaging to learn more about them, particularly when it comes to Mayura and Manatsu. Izumiko and Miyuki's stay at their home in Nagano for a Committee retreat brings out much in the way of development for all parties involved. Despite the generally relaxed atmosphere at the Souda home, Izumiko and Miyuki are not just guests; they're being observed by both Masumi and his father, and the judgements they make are of high consequence. Masumi in particular makes a passing comment to a drunk Izumiko about them being "a perfect match" which sounds anything but innocent, though his father's judgement too has dangerous repercussions.

Mayura, it seems, is playing a dangerous game, though she's not the only one. Her goal, as is Takayanagi's, is to become a part of the student council, and though Izumiko and Miyuki are completely oblivious to this, Mayura and Manatsu have not approached them by accident. With her father's assessment, Mayura is ready to act on her suspicion that Izumiko and Miyuki are special and possibly threatening, and it's with this in mind that she attacks them, sending Tengu after them in the middle of the forest to test their skills. Unfortunately, this means trouble for our leads, who have already been cautioned not to let Izumiko's secret be known. Miyuki's skills are hardly formidable enough to take the powerful Souda triplets on by himself, and on top of it all they're not really sure just why Mayura is doing all of this. Just what is so important about becoming a "World Heritiage Candidate" that the school has set up this judging contest in the first place, and why create so much enmity between its already exceptional students? Though it's taking its time, RDG is by no means ignoring the issues at hand; sometimes it just pays off to take a more elegant approach at storytelling, and that's certainly the case here.

N.B.: Thanks to Ivan for the screencaps!


  1. Ive had a hard time trying to catch up on Red Data Girl ):, it airs on Saturday for me, but the subs come out the following wednesday. I think that shows how unpopular Red Data Girl is, which is a shame. I liked seeing izumiko drunk, and i was totally fangirling when masumi said "i think we're a perfect match" . But , isn't Masumi a ghost? And then my friend pointed out, that in the Opening, Izumiko is hugging a Miyuki like ghost shadow, and it might relate to that. And whats the deal with a mayura fan club? And the student council being neutral.. Man, theres a part of me just urging them to find out Izumiko's secret. I can totally see why this anime isn't very popular, >_<. It does have alot of stuff to digest. But to me, theres some invisible string that is making me watch Red Data Girl , mixed feelings! I hope this ends well

    1. I'm having similar issues because it takes me much longer to get around to it when it's subbed so late. I'd watch it RAW but I'm always afraid of making mistakes so better safe than sorry.

      Masumi is a ghost, but Izumiko is the vessel for a goddess. She can see him, so maybe she can also treat him like a corporeal entity. However, being meant for each other doesn't necessarily mean so in a romantic sense. He could have meant something spiritual or even practical, like becoming her familiar or something.

      Mayura is basically gathering a power base, and the fan club is the front for that. Think politics; you need supporters to win an election.

      It's a really pretty show, but it's not anything near as gripping as most everything else this season. I still think it's definitely worth watching though.

    2. Ah i see, some good points made there. But calling it mayura fan club is a bit much lol

    3. I don't remember too well, so don't quote me, but I think that was just a nickname for the group rather than its actual name. Though if it is the name, I suppose there's something ironic about it all.

    4. AHHH, sorry if i say some irrelevant things. I feel so out of place because your writing is so professional T.T Makes me want to feel involved even more!

    5. No problem at all! I'm not that professional outside the job myself. ^^ Don't worry about it, I really appreciate your comments regardless!

  2. I'm about as confused as I can be...and in all honesty, I think this show demands a marathon to be truly felt and understood. This time lapse is not doing wonders to my memories, and I'd much prefer going into each episode with as much detail as possible. =/
    But that aside, I really loved this episode, and I agree whole heartedly with "subtlety" being its biggest strength. It's difficult to predict where the plot will go with practically everyone in the cast shrouded in so much mystery this far into the game. But yeah, I think the groundwork is laid, now we just need to know the driving force behind it all.

    1. I probably will marathon it in HD once I've finished it myself. Hylia is in the details, and RDG is just really great at capitalizing on that. We'll see if it can't resolve itself with the same elegant flair or if the pace will eat at its ending.
