"Beyond 666"
Still ridiculous. Still enjoying it.
I don't really understand myself why I get such a kick off Valvrave despite it being such an over-the-top rehash of the mecha genre. It's crazy, it's more than a little absurd, and it's borrowing so heavily from other series that I swear to the goddess I heard an FMA:B composition in there (which is unsurprising considering Akira Senju is behind the soundtracks for both series). Yet somehow, I just don't really care about all of the objective reasons to dislike or be dissatisfied with Valvrave; I have fun watching it, and isn't that why we all started watching anime in the first place? Just as there's no real reason for why you can fall in love with someone, there's no real reason for why you can like a series either. As long as you enjoy watching it, you don't need any other justification to do so.
Of course, that rather clashes with, you know, my job, so I'm gonna have to back this one up one way or another. Luckily, entertainment value doesn't have to come from logic or sense, and Valvrave has plenty of things going on to make watching it interesting. For one (admittedly very stupid) thing, the codenames used by the Dorssians never quite fail to keep a grin on my face (L-Elf, pfft), and for another, the narrative is still pretty engaging. As it turns out, Haruto isn't a vampire, but rather a body-switcher; his body has become immortal in the sense that it can regenerate itself so long as he bites someone and transfers his soul into them, and unfortunately for L-Elf, this means that Haruto gets full reign on his battle-conditioned body. In the midst of the ensuing confusion, HarElf ends up shooting at his Dorssian companions and gets himself labelled as a traitor in Haruto's determination to avenge Shouko's death.
Of course, Shouko isn't dead (few series kill off their spunky characters this early), but in return, Haruto finds himself out at battle with an equally brave (and intelligent) classmate, Rukino Saki (the lovely Tomatsu Haruka) and the very Dorssian soldier whose body he'd been possessing. In the midst of a CGI-heavy battle, he successfully activates the potential of Valvrave and keeps the Dorssian forces away (including L-Elf's comrades, still stinging at his betrayal), but the really interesting stuff happens once he's back at home with the girl he though he'd lost forever. Though he's relieved that she's alive, he's now soaked in the blood of those he coldly murdered in the name of revenge, and on top of that he's come to realize that he's given away his humanity in the most literal sense as well. In this state of mind, he no longer feels himself worthy of Shouko's affections, and who would? I'm surprised he has the courage to joke around at all, even if it's a cover for how truly broken he is inside.
N.B.: A huge thanks to Ivan for picking this series up for capping!
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Well, this IS the writer of Code Geass we are talking about here xD, anything low-key is definitely not his game. He also had a heavy presence in the production RahXephon and we all know how subtle that one is lol..
ReplyDeleteBesides, Gundam is never a genre destined for anything less than epic, even if doesn't always live up to it. I knew the moral dilemma was coming sooner or later, but that was still pretty darn fast. At least Shoko didn't miraculously join the enemy force (yet....>>...but knowing Sunrise...*cough*)
And Kairi...I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought L-Elf is a dumb name. Like......really?! Yeah, it sounds so intimidating doesn't it.
Really enjoyed that episode, the only thing I felt out of place was the random potential love interest? Or did I get the wrong hint.
Yeah haha, which is why I find it weird that this is what it's getting flak for. If you think CG or anything like it was subtle... just no. We'll see about the whole Shouko thing haha.
DeleteIt's stupid, lmao. xD Someone posted an audio clip of people saying it over and over again and it did not lessen it's bizarreness.
Well technically Rukino is the heroine, Shouko is the random love interest. =x
Well, I guess that would make sense? Since I don't think he can bring himself to confess to Shoko anymore than he can forgive himself for mercilessly killing all those people, enemy or not. The way Rukino was thrown into the mix was a little off to me, but yeah, it would make sense in a way. We'll see. xD
DeleteYeah, I pretty much think Shouko is out of the running by this point. Like what's-her-face in CG, the redhead I kind of hated. xP She kind of just popped out of nowhere, yes, but she's confirmed to be the main heroine. Dunno what her role will be just yet.
DeleteLMAO..Kallen was annoying, yes. She's my least favorite out of Lelouch's harem. I like Shirley a lot even though she is the typical girl-next-door kind of character. I like her honesty and her undying love for Lelouch even after her memories were tampered with. It was sweet but heartbreaking...ToT
DeleteI was actually talking about Shirley... xD I don't like Kallen much either, but I just couldn't stand Shirley. >.< My favorite girl in CG was CC haha.
DeleteMy love, Shirley has orange hair LOL...I think that's orange? And awwwww....nuuooozzz, another Shirley hater. *takes out machete* Okay, I admit, she wasn't the most interesting character. But I give her credit for being dead, I wouldn't have liked her as much if she wasn't. And whoever's reading this and haven't seen CG, I'm sorry for the spoiler *smirks*. Anyways, CC is cool, but she's too GAR for Lelouch, she's mine, muahha.
DeleteYou call people with orange hair redheads though. ;p Haha, I can understand her devotion, but WHY WOULD YOU DIE FOR HIM?? Rawwwaaaaarrr. Haha. I need to watch this again soon lol.
DeleteI actually loved that ending, not least because *cough*Kaori Nazuka*cough* crying over his death was epic, and because of that convo CC had at the very very end. She's just great, I wish they'd ended up together (though I guess they kinda did?)
Maybe I should add IRC or something haha. We're spoiling the hell out of stuff. xD
Well to be fair, in reality orange hair can never be as orange as it looks in anime, unless you dye it purposely..xD..so maybe that's why they call it "redhead". She didn't technically die for him...not in the sense that she committed suicide or anything, Rolo shot her..=/..and it's kind fated since Lelouch used the geass on her before so she couldn't be saved.
DeleteYeah, I love the ending! It's so damn epic in every sense of the word. I love CC for her wisdom too. And yeah...technically they ended up together..but then Lelouch had to die to give us the most epic ending and now he's with shirley in hell/heaven muahhahaa. WELL, unless the cart driver at the end there really is Lelouch..xD
Oh yea..>>..I feel sorry for whoever stumbled here and accidentally read this...*cough*...we pretty much spoiled the most important parts.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it works haha. True, though she went prepared to do so. I actually liked Rolo haha. He was messed up and sad.
DeleteI thought so too. Well it's implied that CC has a connection with all those she contracted with even beyond death, though it could just be that she was talking to herself. I'm pretty sure he died haha.
I wish I could edit and put a big fat spoiler tag at the beginning, but blogger does not do that. >.>
It was so sad to see him go..>.<...but I guess it was an appropriate ending for someone so extraordinary. Lelouch had too much of a sister complex to really notice other women's feelings though LOL....So too bad for his harem. He's the the kind of guy one should watch from afar, but shouldn't fall in love with.
DeleteWell, he was quite psychotic, yes. But it was really shocking to see him go the way he did. Women no, but he'll always have the Suzaku bromance going on, Glass. xD
Deletelol...yes Kairi, there is quite the sexual tension between them. Then again, it's a trade mark of Sunrise mecha shows, *cough*Athrun and Kira*cough*. And what do you know, Valvrave seem to be heading down the same path with L-Elf and Haruto.
DeleteI dunno that I would call it blatantly sexual, but there was certainly something there haha. I think we're seeing what we want to see haha. This is what having an awesome gay best friend does to you. :3
DeleteIn all seriousness though, the male-male connection is, and always has been, complicated in fiction. You could argue similar things for the female ones too, but because society is the way it is, we always see female friendship differently (which makes no sense to me, but whatever).
That's true...it's almost like we have some kind of phobia (or in the case of fujoshi: total attraction) towards male-male friendship that gets too cozy. When two girls are best friend, we think it's quite normal and acceptable. But when two guys are best friends...then bam..they must be gay or implied gay...lol
DeleteIt doesn't make sense, but psychologically speaking, case studies have shown that it's harder for guys to bond with each other, for social and evolutionary reasons. A lot of anime series are challenging the traditional notion and it's rather nice, though with what intention I can't say..haha. It sure doesn't stop girls from squealing, which I think is fine, at least it's the first step in normalizing male-male intimacy. Ironically (or not so ironically) it is usually the male viewers that tend to squirm at male-male connection. Zetsuen was under attack when it first aired because of the dual male lead set up. Yeah..it's pretty complicated.
Yeah, it has to do with societal norms about what's proper and so on. Which is sad, since we should all be allowed to be friends with whomever we want without getting shipped every so often. I know lots of the implications are for the sake of fangirlism, which is fine so long as it and fanboyism get equal treatment in fan circles (which they rarely do). It'll be nice when I stop seeing "that's gay" comments on shows like Karneval; like, really? You expect girls to be okay with giant bouncing boobs everywhere in anime, but you won't put up with some bromance? For real? Indeed it is.
DeleteI guess this is where we see the divide in demographics. As much as we like to think all shows are made with all audiences in mind, it doesn't exactly work out so neatly in reality. Karneval is meant to attract female viewers while booby fanservice (lolli...moebaits..you name it) is geared towards guys. So I guess in a way, the fact shows get labels perpetuates gender stereotypes. It's like saying because Karneval is labeled josei, therefore guys are not supposed to identify with it. But what about shonen? Girls have no problem watching it. Though I don't think it's fair to compare Karneval level "pandering" with bouncing boobs kind of pandering, I see the former as making genuine attempts to explore something meaningful, and the latter as glaring exploitation of sexuality.
DeleteI don't know if you've seen Hunter x Hunter, but Killua and Gon are best friends, well...I think they are more like soulmates really – they are literally glued to each other. Killua even says he wants to stay with Gon forever. I always wonder what guys think about it....though I suppose you could argue that it's easier to evaluate their relationship without coloured lenses because they are kids and gender role for kids is not as clearly defined.
Indeed, but the thing about the problem is that girls are expected to watch stuff catered to guys. We're not supposed to get annoyed by all the male-oriented fanservice or offended unless it's HUGELY disturbing in some way. Whereas one little fanservice vibe for girls prompts many male viewers to call the gay-card, which, to me, is disturbing. I don't care if there's fanservice, but they should present it equally for both sexes and no one should complain about one without complaining about the other.
DeleteI have not seen it, but I do think you're right in that their being children has something to do with the perception of the relationship.
You are right about rampant male fanservice. Comedy series is the biggest offender in my opinion. I don't know how many times I've seen a guy "accidentally" smashing his face into a girl's bosom....that or he "accidentally" peeks at her pantsu. Oh, let's not forget the imouto complex. Is it just me or are female fanservices no where as suggestive. Karneval is a rich source for shippings, no doubt about it, but as far as narrative goes, I don't think it's heading anywhere near that direction, as it is the case with 90% female fanservice, barring legit yaoi.
DeleteIt's definitely all over the place, and while I don't really mind it, it just bothers me that it's not equal representation. Suggestiveness is an issue, but for me it's more annoying that while that's normal, anything that has BL undertones is immediately decried as something abnormal and gross. Yet if there's a yuri undertone, those same guys are all over it and defending it. But really, it's indicative of bigotry and sexism at the same time, two problems unlikely to go away anytime soon.