This is pretty much what I feel like whenever I realize I need to get through HTML to fix stuff; I'm not much of a programmer and sometimes trying to fix something really simple takes a lot more coding than I actually want to do. But it has to get done one way or another, hence the Renton determination cap.
Anyway, Lightbox is still down on all Blogger accounts, but I've found a French workaround. Clicking on screencaps will now direct you to the same Lightbox format as before, though the numbering will be in French (3 sur 18, for example). I'm searching for an English alternative (because I'm too OCD to let it go), but for now that's the best patch I could find.
I've also added a different set of share buttons at the bottom of posts, including a custom Tumblr one I styled myself to try and make things more uniform. Hopefully these are nicer to use, though please let me know if you preferred the old style.
In addition, I've set up a Twitter for the site, which you can follow from the sidebar or
here. (The background images are not of my own creation; I just really like the arrangement. The original can be found on Eka's tumblr:
Sayonara, Fall in Love)
Hopefully these updates are useful! Please let me know if something isn't working or if you would like to see something else added to the functionality.