Friday, March 15, 2013

Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven: New Order - 3

Well that wasn't so bad. I spent only seven hours translating rather than the usual couple of days. The cleaning was hellish though, but it was worth it; I hope you enjoy the resulting higher quality scans!

Download Link: Volume 1 Chapter 3

Translator Notes: You'll notice that Eureka uses more or less the same speech from Chapter 1 for the little memory-transfer ritual. It's about word-for-word identical in the Japanese version, but previously I used "Please dream for a little bit longer" whereas this time I used "Please sleep a while longer" for variation purposes. The closer translation is the latter one, in any case.

[Spoilers Beyond This Point!]

WHY BONES!? Why are you so cruel, and why do I love it!? In my reading of this chapter the first time, I glossed over the last couple of pages, so I had assumed that Renton was upset that Eureka hadn't told him about her physical change, not her mental state. I find it remarkable that he pieced all of that together and went straight for the big question: if she's forgetting all her emotions and feelings, at what point will she forget that she loves him? Somehow I just never thought about it this way; I thought that Eureka retained the memory and "submitted a copy", so to speak, but that the price was a physical change based on the loss of identity metaphorically, not literally. It's like a seven-day accelerated version of Alzheimer's, and that he was able to ask her outright about the obvious truth was heartwrenching. Not only will he lose her physically, but at some point in their last seven days together, she will forget everything about him.

In other less tear-worthy observations, I found it interesting that Eureka chooses to focus on a specific idea whenever she returns a Fragment. The first Fragment was themed on beauty, on perceivable joy based on the world around her, and thus she's lost the ability to judge things as pretty or pleasing. She can't enjoy a sunset, she can't enjoy music, and she can't see the beauty of the world that she painstakingly learned throughout her life as a human. The second Fragment is themed on suffering, on that which causes physical pain and discomfort. Thus she no longer feels thirst or (presumably) hunger, and has moved another step further from humanity. I assume that each of the five remaining fragments will encompass other portions of her identity and humanity, and that once she loses them all, she'll have completely lost herself and be reabsorbed as a part of the Scub.

I really have to say that I appreciate Renton far more in this version. I've always loved him as a character, even if he could verge on whiny in the first quarter or so of the series, but he's so much bolder in this version. It's as if Miyama tried to make Renton as Ao-like as possible while retaining his individualism, and here he comes off as more perceptive and stronger-willed than in his anime counterpart. I think it's a good choice, considering he's still as sweet and clownish as always when he's not realizing horrible truths about the girl he loves.


  1. I've just finished reading all three 'episodes' of this translation.

    I can't express how much I appreciate your work on this project, and I'm excited for more!

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying the manga; I'm attempting to release on a weekly schedule, so Chapter 4 should be up next Friday or so if I keep a good pace.

  2. (Renton121 here) Yeah, thats what I had thought in the beginning =/ . Thats what I thought was unnecessary, her losing her memory when she submits a copy. It would have been fine if she had simply submitted a copy and it didn't damage the original.

    1. You know, you could just choose Name/URL and comment as Renton121... =p

      I don't think it's about being unnecessary or not, but rather about narrative choice. Any drama you introduce into a story is optional, and in this case the mangaka and Bones just chose to use this sequence of events to expand on the thematic/symbolic meanings of the events as they wanted it.

  3. amazing, i'm loving it ... she's is not "re-becoming" a book with empty pages, but these written pages are being taken from it.

    it's funny, i was wacthing the episode 1 (Blue Monday) again and i noticed that the first words of anime was about memory ( maybe because of the weak subtitle or just beacause i'm not such a smart guy, those words doesn't make much sense to me ), but it's good to know that the writters was thinking and prepearing us for this END since the very beginning.

    Just one more thing, in the new order ( that one with the sound ) eureka wishes to puts her's memories in places that mean something to her,this is happening in the manga? cuz i didn't see nothing special on that forest or now in the desert.

    finally, kairi thank you so much for bringing these manga traslated for us, i don't know what would i do without you...

    1. In a way, having the pages ripped out is so much worse than just having the words erased.

      The words of the first opening, Days, are also about memories and emotions. Bones stated in the first Eureka Seven manga that there were parts they didn't use in the anime that were used in the manga instead. They were probably referring to the parts where Eureka forgets all her emotions in that version.

      In the voice over, she only tells the location of four or so fragments, and the others are never explained. It could be that she moves on to more important places later, though it could just be details not adding up in typical Bones fashion.

      No problem, I'm just glad to help. I like to complain that it's a lot of work, but honestly I'm more than happy to do it all. I know I'd want to read this ASAP if I couldn't read the RAWs, so I'm doing my little bit for the community. There's no fanbase quite like the E7 cult, and I'm proud to be able to do something for everyone.

  4. Thanks Kairi for this translation! Also this Manga is without Furigana, not easy...
    I advertised your work in my page of Facebook

    1. No problem! We never use furigana in class, or romaji either, so it's not that much different from reading things in Japanese class. The vocabulary is just more technical and fantastical is all.

      I hope more people see that then; I don't have facebook, twitter, or tumblr so I can't spread the word like that myself.

  5. You are great,fortunately exist guys like you who love E7!
    In my page all Fans were very happy for you work
