Thursday, May 16, 2013

Manga & Scanlation Updates

Lovely, aren't they?

All three of the new Eureka Seven manga (NO, AO, and Save a Prayer) are releasing next Saturday. Yours truly has NO and AO preordered, and I know that Efter and the other /a/ scanlators are working on SaP. Either way, rest assured, you will have your fill of both New Order and Astral Ocean for the rest of the summer. This is the final volume of NO, and also the volume of AO where the most horribly painful event in the E7 multiverse occurs. You'll cry for both.

AO 7 is being cleaned and should be translated by next week.



  1. Good to hear,can't wait,although I don't like the sounds of what happens next.I hope it isn't one of my favorite character's who dies if it is that.

    1. All you need to know is that both manga will make you unspeakably sad if you care about the series.
