Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Hi everyone, sorry about the lack of posts on LoQ for the last few days. I moved out of my dorm on Friday night so I was internetless until I arrived home on Sunday night. I've been unpacking ever since, so it's been hard to find time to really sit down and write. However, starting today there will be a flood of posts. Here's the schedule in order of priority.

Dansai > Hataraku > Karneval > Yahari > Valvrave > Chihayafuru > Shingeki > Gargantia > Mid-Season Report > RDG

Eureka Seven AO chapter 7 will be finished by the weekend, some RRVs are in progress, and I'm working things out for that Eureka Seven Stream (seems my internet goes out every hour or so here so we might have to figure out a different way to go about it). NO volume two will arrive by next week, so work on that will resume at some point in early June.

It's great to be back, so I'll work hard to get things rolling again!


  1. Good to see you're back, Kairi! And don't push yourself - take your time. Wouldn't want you to burn out!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad to be back! I'll try not to do everything all at once, but I'll definitely try to get back on track soon! Thank you so much for your concern!

  2. Welcome back Kairi~ and I'm sort of back too? lol...Anyways, I'm so behind on shows it's not even funny. I'm pretty much stuck on episode 5 for every show this season, that's in addition to my intimidatingly long backlog. I'll come back to rant after I catch up. Hey look, the summer season is coming! I hope you are doing well ^^

    1. Hey Glass! I've missed seeing ya around! :0 How've you been? :)

      I know what you mean, just missing four days has made my backlog pretty disgusting; two weeks must be even worse. I look forward to seeing you soon haha. I'm fine, just really tired and dealing with bad internet all day. xP

  3. Welcome back!!!
