Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shingeki no Kyoujin - 8

"A Heart is Heard Beating - Defense of Trost 4"

I think I've said this a few times already, but I win the bet.

Not that it was all that difficult a prediction to make (and even you doubted your stance, Ivan), considering what kind of series this is. Still, the end result aside, this was definitely a pretty interesting episode. I'm starting to wish more and more that Armin will somehow miraculously turn out to be the real hero of the piece, because crybaby or not, he's definitely the character with most depth so far, if only marginally. Perhaps it's an effect of the fact that he's the narrator, or that we seem to see into his thoughts a decent amount, but his general lack of badassery really cements him as a character that has to undergo some sort of psychological change, whereas Eren is usually proven right and Mikasa already underwent her change as a child.

That being of secondary concern, however, things really take a turn for the urgent as the surviving soldiers go for the desperate measures to get their precious gas. At the doors of death, using a rampaging Aberrant Titan seems to be as good a plan as any, and as it turns out, Armin is a born strategist. He not only suggests using this Titan-killing Titan as a distraction to buy time, but he also comes up with a plan to kill those Titans that managed to infiltrate the Armory in the first place. Though the plan is nearly a disaster (an amusing one, with Potato-Girl pleading forgiveness as the Moe Titan advances menacingly), ultimately the aces come through and the survivors are free to scale the walls and get to safety.

Yet before they are able to do so, they're witness to the Aberrant fighting and feel a surge of sympathy for it as it struggles singlehandedly at what looks like attempts at cannibalism. Feeling attached (perhaps because it helped them escape), they consider going to its aid, though it manages to fight off its attackers before collapsing, seemingly dead. And as it is, this is where the bet is won, for from it's neck (the very point of weakness), rises Eren Jaeger, very much alive and with all his limbs. Whatever the hell this means about the nature of our protagonist (psychopath though he already seems to be), Shingeki has got a whole lot of explaining to do if it wants to pull this off without it seeming like a cheap move.

N.B.: Thanks to Ivan for the caps! I will share the cookies, even if you lost. :3


  1. Ahh, alas, I was wrong too in thinking that Eren would stay dead. T__T But I guess this means we can look forward to more bold proclamations, shouting, screaming, and macho-ness, given that Eren isn't completely psycho in having been eaten and digested by a Titan...xD

    And I'm with you in hoping that Armin will fill out his role in the army squadron--being physically powerful can only get you so far, but key battles have been won with brains too--maybe he can help them with strategies and even be an engineer and design some more weapons. :)

    Thanks for the review!

    1. Ahhh, I see. :0 We can look forward to all that, and pigheadedness too. :3 Uh, he's psycho in plenty of ways. ^^;

      I like Armin, so it'd be nice to see him become awesome in a sense outside of brute force. Strategists are great, and he definitely has the makings of one.

      Not at all, thanks for the discussion! ^^

    2. I think Armin has already proved that this week. His plan, risky as it was, was the best option they had - and it paid off.

    3. Yes, but I'd like to see him really take it on as his calling. Right now it's kind of in the heat of the moment. We'll see how it goes.
