Tuesday, May 28, 2013

RDG: Red Data Girl - 10

"The First School Festival"

I'm calling those Triforces and none of you can stop me.

Confusing though the narrative remains, there's definitely a sense of climax as we move into the final three episodes of Red Data Girl. After last week's fiasco with the Himegami, things aren't quite the same between Izumiko and Miyuki anymore. Both are terrified about what the Himegami's appearance means (I think we can all agree her purpose is rather sinister, difficult as it is to understand all this World Heritage Candidate stuff), though they have different reactions to one another because of it. Miyuki seems to be more afraid of the Goddess than ever, and it isn't until he sees how ridiculous and cute Izumiko looks with her hair tied up that he finally loosens up a bit in front of her. As for Izumiko, she's much more open about her jealousies and insecurities than ever, claiming as the Himegami did that she doesn't like "talk about other women".

Then there's the Himegami herself; though we don't see her directly this week, she's a palpable presence, more than before, in the very atmosphere of this school festival. Izumiko once again has an experience with the ghosts of the Sengoku period, something that I feel hints at the true nature of the Goddess. This struck me as a particularly interesting tale when Izumiko first heard of it for one thing; why mention that all the women committed suicide at the command of one lady? Why does Izumiko get confused for that lady by the ghosts? I can't help but remember the Himegami's explanation that she was once a human who "killed her own", and the entire story seems entirely too specific to be a coincidence.

Interestingly enough, another appearance by Yukimasa seems to further emphasize the strangeness about the festival surrounding the students. His cruel comments to Miyuki about his usefulness aside, he makes mentions about Izumiko's status post-Tokyo. Do his plans to guard her in the future imply that he's assured whatever this World Heritage event implies will go well? Does he think the Himegami can finally be stopped, or is this simply the speech of an ignorant fool who knows of nothing more than serving his goddess? Something about Yukimasa has always felt off, and his close relationship with Izumiko's mother doesn't make him any less difficult to trust. Whatever is about to happen, I've no doubt that we're standing at the precipice of something very dangerous indeed, and it's only a matter of time before things really get out of control.

N.B.: Thanks to Ivan for the caps!


  1. I wonder how they're going to wrap up the story. First time In a anime , i've seen a school festival with a theme. Way more enjoyable than other cliche school festivals. This anime sure has its ups and downs @_@ but, Miyukii!

    1. Really? I've seen a few themed school festivals, but to be fair I never remember if they were in anime or manga, so they may not count. I'm not a big fan of the school festival construct in general, but this one is pretty nice, visually and otherwise. Haha, I'm really loving this series. It's complicated but part of that is time constraints and the other part is lack of western familiarity with shugendo concepts.
