Saturday, July 27, 2013

Otoyomegatari - 30

"Meeting the Batan"

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The prospect of starvation can truly drive men into corners they'd rather not be in, and that can be very dangerous when there are things like pride in the way. But while pride can be a downfall, sometimes it's important. Azel and the other Halgal youths certainly think it's more important to do things on their own terms than to lower themselves to the level of the Russians and the Batan, whom they consider barbarous, but they definitely have a point. In using Russian weapons, it does upset the balance of power among the native tribes, and it also allows for disorder to reign, something that in the end, could be useful to invaders, among other concerns. I'm not sure if the Batan are really as weaselly as the Halgal think, but there's definitely something fishy about the whole thing, and Amir and Karluk may be in for some huge trouble soon, happy though they are now.

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