Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's That Time Again: The Battle of Summer 2013 Week 1

Getting this one in gear is going to require some serious preparation.

Update: Introducing the official Free! blogger on LoQ, TheHouseonMars! Since I don't have enough time to cover everything I'd like to see on LoQ this season, she's very kindly offered to help this season on just the one show, so I hope you're looking forward to her coverage! She's really excited for "the swimming anime", and as she's my imouto, I can vouch for her writing. Please take care of her, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Though there are less series on the list this season than last, there's still a lot to do before we're through the first two weeks. As I mentioned in the preview, I'm going to try to cut down on the number of series I blog during the week, so even though I'm getting a lot of Initial Impressions posts done, less than half are going to stay, assuming I do this right. As for RandomC, I'll be blogging TWGOK and Servant x Service, so unless I end up hating SxS (which I doubt), they're likely here to stay. Ivan and I will be working hard to get caps and good reviews out ASAP, so we hope you'll find something great to watch this season too!

A quick note, next Friday, 7/5, I will be at Anime Expo in LA, so there won't be any coverage that day. However, coverage will resume immediately afterward, so there shouldn't be any significant delays. With that in mind, on to the first week schedule!

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