Saturday, July 20, 2013

Initial Impressions: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Okay I like this one, but I've no clue what I just watched.

Though I don't like this quite as much, the only series I can think of in recent memory with a similar effect on me as a viewer would be Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge. I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be nearly as crazy nor as "out there" as the latter, but the atmosphere definitely feels very familiar, at least if we compare premieres. Like Dansai, very little is explained this episode either, though it is somewhat less compelling; I can probably contribute that to characters and chemistry though. None of the characters in Kaminai are quite as interesting as Kiri nor Iwai were (especially when they were together), but they aren't boring either. And as weird and confusing as the premise feels right now, I have a feeling things are bound to be more than they seem, and better woven together than they look at first glance.

As it is, what I like about this premiere is the atmosphere; there's a sense of mourning to the color palette and general style, though Ai (Toyosaki Aki) is a bit too cheerful and adorable to complete the picture. Hampnie (Namikawa Daisuke), on the other hand is precisely the sort of character I'd expect to see in a series with as melancholy a premise as one where God has abandoned the world. I've still no clue what's going on though; from the looks of it, people can be brutally mutilated but are unable to die by anything but a Gravedigger's burial (does this mean that burial by any other means has them forever conscious within a coffin? Not really pleasant to think about, is it?), and for whatever reason, Hampnie, the "Man-Eating Toy", is out to make sure he kills people, though seemingly at random.

I like the beginnings of Ai and Hampnie's relationship as it's curious; Ai seems to have been convinced that Hampnie is her father because of his name (though if that turns out to be truth I'd be surprised, and indeed, it seems he really is not), but now he's just turned into the slaughterer of her entire village. Yet though she clearly hates him for what he's done, she's clearly entranced by him as well, and she does what he asks of her even though he claims she's not a true gravekeeper after all. Whatever that means about her (are the people she buried still alive then?), it seems like it's definitely the start of an odd companionship, though I couldn't say what lies in store for either of them.

N.B.: Thanks to Ivan for the lovely caps!

OP "Birth" by Eri Kitamura
Episode 1 Screencaps: "The Valley of Death I"
ED "Owaranai Melody wo Utaidashimashita. (終わらないメロディーを歌いだしました。)" by Mikako Komatsu

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