Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kakumeiki Valvrave - 8

"Princess of Light"

Well that was the opening line to a fanfiction if I ever heard one.

Whatever you think about this series as a whole, it's hard to deny that this was one entertaining episode. Let's face it, the ridiculousness is here to stay, and it's only bound to get more over the top as we get more in depth into the world and characters. Even so, the sheer entertainment factor here is more than enough to make this series pretty damn good, and though that's been true for the whole run (for me personally, at least), this week's episode is on a whole other level. I suppose part of that comes from the general feelings of stuff kicking into gear now that L-Elf is back as a real force on the battleground (screw-killing prowess and all), but I think in reality it's from the consequences of Aina's death and the fact that all of the emotional turmoil resulting from that elevates the drama to a more understandable point.

If there was anything Aina did to provide support for Haruto and Saki it was in her name for their vampiric kind; in calling them the kamitsuki rather than vampires, she essentially helps them accept what they've become. She really does save them spiritually, or at least when it comes to Haruto, for whom the whole change was less than intentional. Her death thus really adds a layer of depth to Haruto and Saki's resolve, as well as to that of the student body in general. It's woken them all up from the fantasy of freedom and made them face the truth about war and the fact that they're in a highly perilous situation. Which is why this is the perfect time for L-Elf to get what he wants from Haruto, and why it is that Haruto is more willing than ever to consider teaming up with his former foe.

Though we hardly learn much about who this "Princess of Light" is, we do get a glimpse into why she's so important to L-Elf from his flashbacks to the time he met her. It would seem that she saved his life by "giving [him] half of" hers, and that even as a child she was important or powerful enough to guarantee his safety even after he held her captive and tried to run away from his fate as some sort of captive. I'm inclined to think that this princess is probably what fuels his strange prophetic powers, as well as his goals, but she's definitely instrumental to the plot. And of course, she's indirectly responsible for all that he does later if this is the case, including his new relationship with Haruto, coffee and all.

N.B.: Thanks to Ivan for the caps!

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