Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven: New Order - 9

It's been a while, but thanks to Efter, we're back in business! Here's the long awaited Chapter 9.

Download Link: Volume 2, Chapter 9

I'm too tired to write a big spiel but I'm really happy to be bringing this back to you wonderful readers; Chapter 10 will be out soon but I'm going abroad this Friday so it may be done after that.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Scanlation Progress

I realize it's been a while, but I'd like to announce that LoQ's episodic reviews are officially on hiatus until further notice. On the other hand, all other functions on the site are coming back as of this week, namely, scanlations. I've had a difficult few weeks since school let out so I'm fairly behind for personal reasons, but I plan to get New Order done within the next month and start working on AO and translating the Niji novel.

Thanks for your patience, I hope to bring you good stuff ASAP!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven: New Order - 8

That was not easy, what with the revelation that college just got thesis-scary. Many thanks to Efter for all her hard work with the cleaning and editing!

Download Link: Volume 2 Chapter 8

Translator Notes: There were a couple of phrases I struggled with, particularly on page 24. The original Japanese said something along the lines of "insane retaliation, but we'll eat it", which I couldn't make much sense of, so I did my best. In any case, I hope you'll enjoy the chapter, other than that line, everything is business as usual.

*Please don't upload this chapter to a reader, I'll do it myself when I've finished the entire volume! Thanks for understanding!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Belated Happy Birthday, LoQ!

I seem to have forgotten among the frenzy of exams and my lack of time to commit to the site, but we're a year into this now despite the lack of activity. Thank you all so much for tuning in and some of you for waiting patiently. Depending on how much time I find myself with my thesis this coming semester, Ivan and I may decide to cover a series or two (we're looking at Bones' series for now). There won't be a winter preview seeing as how late it is in the season, but there will be a few intros to series I'm trying out. See you all in the next couple of weeks!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Apologies for the Lack of Activity Recently...

Unfortunately, real life has me a bit tied up and more than a little unmotivated to write on any real basis recently, so I'm sorry for leaving the site to languish like this for so long. Currently I'm swamped with finals and studying, among other personal concerns, but I will motivate myself to at least write intros and outros to each season as usual, and other miscellaneous reviews (such as for games or anime I've finally gotten around to) as well as my translation projects (which are actually getting done, believe it or not; they're just taking more time because Efter and I are both busy and taking our time). I really do miss LoQ, quite dearly, but it seems I've lost a lot of motivation recently. Thanks for sticking around, I won't be gone 100%, but for at least a while, things will probably stay somewhat quiet.

Thank you so much for reading and staying with me all this time,


Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Cockblocking Character Conundrum (CCC)

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I didn't come up with the name, but this is definitely something I think doesn't get enough recognition and that we should think about more actively as viewers of anime and other storytelling mediums.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Nerawareta Gakuen

Yes, this film was so visually gorgeous that we're bringing you about 75 screencaps.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Servant x Service - 11 & 12

"Beware The Sweet Trap That Tries To Lure You In" and "Hold On A Second, Familiarity and Carelessness Can Be Fatal"


Nagi no Asukara - 3

"The Way of the Sea"

So far, I can attest that this is a really good series in the making.

Galilei Donna - 2


I hope you like your explosions with 80% more mecha and gunfire.

Little Busters! ~Refrain~ - 2

"That Time, It Also Rained"

Oh yeah, things are getting very dark, very fast.

Gaming Backlog: Rune Factory 4

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"Rune Factory? What the heck is that?"

Well, for one thing, other than Zelda, this is my most beloved game franchise.