Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kōkyōshihen Eureka Seven: New Order - 9

It's been a while, but thanks to Efter, we're back in business! Here's the long awaited Chapter 9.

Download Link: Volume 2, Chapter 9

I'm too tired to write a big spiel but I'm really happy to be bringing this back to you wonderful readers; Chapter 10 will be out soon but I'm going abroad this Friday so it may be done after that.


  1. Thank you! Amazing work as always! We're real procrastinators but we need to get stuff done in real life too lol Now, to fix Ch10... Have an amazing trip! ! This time I demand photos! (You should do the yelling thing, have you seen the post in tumblr about that?)

  2. Hello, I'm a new follower .... I just look at it from and you have up to chapter 9 .... you're so great .... and really you are so amazing ...
    By the way from where you got the raws ?? I've been looking around but I can not find ..... I just wanted to see first how the final story of this E7NO ... even without scanlation first

    1. It's just as Kairi said! I know we were pretty slow... but the last 2 chapters are being translated and cleaned, so be patient, the end is near.
      And stop reading on Mangafox, use Batoto. Better quality and its straight from the scanlators. Kairi will upload everything to Batoto once we finish!

    2. oh....thank you!! for the advice, I'll be waiting .... keep the spirit... :)

    3. i'm sorry before for double post... did you know which one the original story E7? Manga or anime? and if you were there instructions or information about the next season?? be it manga or anime (the ending of the new order) there both is sad ending... and i prefer the sad ending have the next season instead the happy ending...

      in addition to the original story of the animation(new order), there is also the added value if the sad story made ​​next season instead Wish Upon the Star and AO. What do you think? am I wrong??

    4. 1. E7 is an original anime story. The manga and the novels are based on the series.
      2. Sadly, there's no official information about a new Eureka Seven series.
      3. Haha, personally, I prefer the NO ending... The happy one is good too, but, it's so cheesy...

      Uhm, NO was presented just as an "alternative ending", the "we wanted this but it didn't make it so take a look". The definitive series is the anime series with the happy ending. AO is a sequel from the series, and so if a next "something" is made, it'll take after the E7/AO. Who knows.

    5. hehehe, we're same... but did you ever think that they ignore "SEVEN" in "EUREKA SEVEN" title??
      which mean "seven" is about the seven memories or it just about "seven swell phenomenon"??
      because not even manga or anime mention about seven memories.... are not used to their intent from the beginning so? My mind jumbled

    6. Haha, yeah I noticed, all the 7's the series mentioned weren't enough to explain the title "Eureka Seven". Well the complete title is "Symphonic Psalms Eureka Seven". The title makes sense if you consider the fragments, but that part of the story was changed. The story of New Order is official, though, as an alternative ending.

  3. Hey anon! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! Unfortunately there are no raws online as far as I know; both Efter and I have our own physical copies in Japanese. I originally scanned my own book but after a while she scanned hers and I just translated/typeset from my copy.

  4. Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Any progress on the last chapter?

  6. any news on the last chapter?

    1. There's actually two chapters left, and no, I haven't had time to work on it recently with school work @_@ I'll try to clear out a day or two in the next week to finish ten and start with eleven.

  7. i was wondering how it was gonna be able to end in just one more chapter, 2 chapters makes much more sense

  8. any news on the last two chapters?

  9. is it safe to assume it's been dropped? :(

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You did an incredible work for the 9 first chapters , do have any plans for the two left ? :)

    1. WELL... well, sincerely I have no idea. The cleaning is finished, though. In the worst case, I guess I'd need to find a new translator. I've rewatched AO and I want to start working on something E7 related, hahaha.

  11. I hope this can still be continued, or else I think I'll just have to learn Japanese and buy the manga now.

  12. I know it's been years, but I just came across your site as the source of the scanlations I've been reading. Thanks for all the hard work, and I hope you can finish the last two chapters!

  13. Hopefully one day we'll get the last 2 chapters.

  14. Esperemos que pronto este el capitulo 10 y 11. La comunidad espano hablante también lo estamos esperando, debido a que también estamos resurgiendo, camino a Hi-Evolution 3

  15. Commenting on here, around 6 years later after chapter 9 was published. Now the last of the trilogy of hi-evo is being released internationally. Though it's bittersweet that I was able to read E7 NO translated, the last two chapters were never finished. Still holding out strong that I'll be able to read them. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
