Sunday, August 18, 2013

Site Announcements & The End of an Era

First off, I'd like to apologize for the lack of activity on LoQ recently. Apart from some hectic stuff going on as I prepare to move back to college this week, Mars has also been ill post-surgery and my internet has been frustratingly slow.

Apart from that however, I want to announce that LoQ is going on an indeterminate break from episodic blogging. I don't mean that I'm quitting, as I'm still going to work on Random Curiosity on an episodic basis, but unfortunately I've started to feel burnout from my attempts to keep up with so many series every season. That doesn't mean I don't like blogging, but when you've spent an entire summer mostly blogging, scanlating, writing for a visual novel, and otherwise living on what boils down to work, you get tired, and you get stressed. I still want to blog, but I don't want to blog on a compulsive basis, especially when it comes down to returning to school and setting time aside for my real life endeavors.

So here's what's happening:

All episodic series will be dropped within the next week, minus a few exceptions.

Those exceptions are all my RC shows (ie, Servant x Service and Kaminomi for this season), as well as the still-running Shingeki and my favorite show of the season, Kaminai. Free! won't be dropped either, since my sister is still covering that. However, Uchouten Kazoku, Blood Lad, and Gin no Saji are dropped; not because I don't like them, but because I can't keep up with this hectic schedule. That being said, I'm not dropping any other features of the site; I'm still doing mid and final season reviews and season previews, as well as overall reviews of any series I've finished regardless of when, nor are any of my scanlation projects being dropped. It's just that I'm going to be more lenient on myself about scheduling and just take things at an easier pace.

Apologies for any inconvenience this might cause, and I'm sorry for dropping all these shows so far into the season. Thank you so much for your support and friendliness over the past three seasons, but unfortunately I'm constantly stressed out by my hobby, which is never a good sign. Perhaps someday I'll return to being a full-time episodic blogger, but for the meantime, I need a rest.


  1. Take care and have a good rest, Kairi! There's no need to treat blogging like work, because it most definitely isn't. What makes episodic blogging seem so difficult to me is that you have to work around a schedule and writing about the same things every week. That would get tiring for anyone. So I hope you don't feel too burned out and that you can regain your footing at some stage. I would definitely miss your blog if you dropped off the face of the planet altogether!

    Although there is one thing I'm curious about. If you're not going to be blogging so many shows episodically, will this mean more editorials from you? I think blogging is most fun it's fluid and you can instill some variety into what you write about, so there's no harm in experimenting in different things here and there, right? Just a thought :)

    1. Thans Froggy! I know, but unfortunately the inevitable happened, and I do need a good break. Episodic blogging is definitely fun, but doing it over and over again with such a large group of shows can get really exhausting. I'm sure I'll be back sooner or later, but don't worry, you're not all rid of me yet!

      Yep, it does mean more editorials, and more overall reviews and RRVs. Basically I'm just going to become a "go with whatever I feel like today" blogger; if I feel like blogging a great episode, by golly I will. If I want to review a movie? I'll go for it! I won't post everyday like before, but I'll be here!

  2. It must be hard to keep a blog and i think sometimes we readers seem so ungrateful. Sorry for that =)... and know you have our support .

    1. Aww, you're not ungrateful, I love you guys; thanks so much for all your support, you're not rid of me yet! :3

  3. No need to apologize, Kairi! Real life is hard enough, and if a hobby becomes a chore..then it's time to step back and take a breather. I'll still continue following the good work you do over at RC (and your season reviews, etc) and hope you'll be around in the anime blogging community for a long time to come! :)

    Good luck with everything, and enjoy (if you can) the start of classes soon!

    1. Thanks Aerie, I'll definitely still be around for all of you, look forward to more of my posts; they'll just be less frequent and scheduled is all. ^^; Thanks a ton, I love seeing you around here!

  4. *shrug* not unexpected. We still have randomc/entravity/etc for our wall-of-text dosage.

    GL with whatever's got you down in RL.

    1. Thanks, but I'm not gone yet; I'm just lessening the workload.

  5. Have a good rest and come back when you feel ready, theres no point doing it if you are not enjoying it,good luck!

    Aside: Are you still going to be on the upcoming RandomC podcast?

    1. Thanks a ton Brent, I will do just that!

      Unfortunately I was not able to be on this podcast. ;_; But I should be on all the rest afterward!

  6. Never exhaust yourself with your own hobbies or you'll end up considering them a chore & in the worst case,might end up abandonimg them altogether,and we wouldn't want to loose you now!It's important to know when to take breaks or cut down on them so you can keep on going withouth burning yourself out,so your decision was definitely the right one.

    See you on RC,as usual :P
