Thursday, August 1, 2013

Shingeki no Kyoujin - 14 & 15

"Can't Look Into His Eyes - Prelude to the Counterattack 1" and "The Special OPs Squad - Prelude to the Counterattack 2"

Sweet Hylia, Levi, take it easy on the kid, even if he is insufferable.

Episode 14

I'm happy to say that on the whole, I'm pretty relieved the Defense of Trost arc is finally over. It wasn't a terrible arc by any means, but I didn't particularly find it hugely effective in the long run, at least, not by the end. Finally getting that boulder mission out of the way is a huge, drawn out sigh, for one thing, and for another, it's nice to see things genuinely starting to speed up again. Though the trial here is still a bit drawn out, it's much better paced than the series has been for a while (and it's always a bonus to see it end in just one episode), and that, at least, helps my enthusiasm for the series as a whole. Even better, however, is that with this new cour, it seems that things might just start getting more interesting plot-wise as well.

What I was most interested this week, as usual when it comes to this series, was the world-building. Whatever issues I have with the characters, I've always found the Shingeki world to be highly fascinating despite some of its structural flaws. That's why I find the drama surrounding Eren so compelling; the Military Police has been an almost shadowy force up until now, but here we finally see what sorts of people they are and what their agendas stand for. It's not necessarily new philosophy that they want Eren destroyed; one of the common themes in the series so far has been the cowardice of the people, especially when it comes to the privileged and the adults in the army, so it makes sense that when they see Eren, who could potentially become a threat, they immediately want custody of him in order to execute him.

Then there's the Scouting Legion, who want Eren to help them in taking back Wall Maria and in furthering their research. I can't help but wonder if there's something more sinister in the plot at work here; is it really only cowardice that is causing organizations like the Military Police to want to remove Eren from the picture? Is it more of a rivalry, or some sort of feud, that directly makes them want to hinder the Scouting Legion's progress? Or is it even darker? Luckily (or not so luckily), Eren's pig-headedness allows the Scouting Legion to get a one-up in the argument over him, if only because Levi-heichou beats the living hell out of him to prove his point; Eren is a useful resource, but he needs to be controlled. Best say goodbye to the days when everyone listened to your self-righteous speeches, boy.

OP2 "Jiyuu no Tsubasa (自由の翼)" by Linked Horizon
Episode 14 Screencaps
ED2 "great escape" by cinema staff

Episode 15

I smell a conspiracy. A Shinsekai Yori level conspiracy.

Before I address that though, I think this was a pretty good episode overall, even though there wasn't much in the way of actually attacking titans. There's a distinct feeling of something important unraveling as we move forward, and though this is a bit of an exposition episode, I find that far more intriguing than most of what usually goes on in this series. That the Scouting Legion isn't what Eren expected them to be is typical, especially when we know what Levi is like and we now know that he was once a Mafioso (that's kind of amusing, considering how orderly and clean he is now), but the other members seem to be just as eccentric.

The cherry on top is definitely Zoe Hanji, however, who turns out to be something of a mad scientist and loveable oddball in one body. Her bizarreness is amusing of course, but her fascination with the titans turns out to be more than just a strange quirk. It's her conversation with Eren that really makes my suspicions arise, and her various experiments on the titans are hugely interesting. For one thing, the fact that the titans are dependent on sunlight for energy is intriguing, as it essentially means the humans are safe during the night. For another, Hanji's observation that the titans are too light for their body masses makes me wonder if they really aren't some sort of illusion or otherwise far different from what humans think they are.

Then there's also the fact that the two captured titans are killed by a soldier; who would sabotage the Scouting Legion's important experiments? Could it possibly be the Military Police again? Is it an act of anger, fear, or perhaps even revenge? Or is this someone's plan to keep things in the dark? Erwin too feels strange to me, perhaps not suspicious, but I feel that he knows more than he should, or that he's at least several steps ahead of everyone else. Whether he's in on the conspiracy or not, however, I can't help but think he'll be particularly important in following episodes. As for Eren and the others, I'm sure it won't be long before the Scouting Legion sees some new recruits besides their new pet titan.

N.B.: Many thanks to Ivan for the caps!


  1. Is it just me or is Eren being less insufferable in these latest episodes? It's like my hatred for him fizzled out as soon as Levi punched him out.

    What are your thoughts on Levi as a character, by the way?

    1. Yeah, I feel like he's easier to deal with now, though it could just be because now he can't spout as much self-righteous rhetoric without getting his ass handed to him by someone half his size.

      Levi is interesting, though I find my interpretation of him a bit colored by my time with the fandom as a whole. In canon, I find him to be rather flat, as most of the characters feel in general, though he's amusing too because of his quirks. I don't really know much about his motivations or backstory, so I can't say much else than he doesn't seem like he takes shit from anybody. 'specially not dirt.

  2. KAIIIIRIII~!! Hehe, I finally caught up with Shingeki no Kyojin..that took me long.
    But anyways, it was a super drawn-out arc, especially the last couple of episodes. >>...I was seriously wondering if it had anything to do with Wit Studio's shortage of staff, because usually when that happens, studio tends to either insert filler or stretch out the arc.
    I think Eren is earning some respect from me. He is still thick-headed, but at least he's motivated and less whiny now. I guess in a way his character works very well for the role he's assigned to, especially when contrasted against Mikasa.
    Hmm, it may be the case that because the situation itself is so dramatic, it's hard to play out the character nuances when they are scrambling to save their asses half of them, even my senses were getting a bit numb.

    1. GLASSSSS!!! How have you been?! Goodness it's not LoQ without you. xD

      Yeah, I felt like that boulder thing took forever! I think it probably had more to do with catching up to the manga a tad too quickly, but I wouldn't be surprised if lack of staff was an issue.

      Yeah, he's far less insufferable than before. It could be, but look at Shinsekai; that was equally dramatic and yet the characters were far more fleshed out, so it's not the only issue, I believe.

  3. Cool, you watch AoT as well! Nice review, will you also be reviewing ep. 16 and 17 anytime soon?

    To be honest, I don't understand why some people don't like Eren's character? I think the way he acts is reasonable given the fact that he's still only a teenager and is acting like how any rebellious teenager would want to act in the real world. I find that it makes his character more relatable and realistic. Plus, seeing the Scouting Legion taking advantage of his rage in court seemed like a brilliant move to me. I'm sure he'll mature more as the anime progresses and will learn to control his anger eventually, but I doubt he's going to be less of an immature, raging buffoon anytime soon.

    Anyways out of curiosity, will you be planning to read the manga of AoT as well or are you going to strictly adhere to watching the show till it ends? I also read the manga and the newest chapter released today is just making me itch on spewing out my thoughts on it somewhere, haha.

    Of course if you don't plan on reading it, I won't say anything to prevent spoilers.

    1. I do watch Shingeki, since the beginning of the run in fact! I've just been falling behind on posts, unfortunately. Yep, I plan to do so soon, but my capping guy is a tad behind himself, and I've been ill, so apologies it's not up yet.

      I don't like Eren because he's a flat character. He's really a bit too self-righteous, and so far, we're not given any real reason for that; after all, he was always angry BEFORE his mother died, and it just seems out of place since we don't understand why he's so strong about his rage. Yes, the situation in general is enough to upset anyone, but where did his insanely strong sense of justice come from? We're not born feeling angry with the world after all. Plus, he likes to throw that self-righteousness in people's faces, which is just a tad grating for me. But that's my personal opinion anyway.

      I did start reading the manga some time ago but never got too far, so I would appreciate it if you avoided spoilers for the time being. I might wait until the end of the run to read the rest. Thanks for being so considerate though! It's very nice of you! ^^
