"Fighting Over a Guy is a Battlefield"
And so the arrow has struck Masuzu. It was only a matter of time.

I don't know why, but I like Masuzu. I don't think she's a particularly mind-blowing character (she isn't) but there's just something simple and easy about her that I prefer over Chiwa. If this is a harem that ends with a winner, I want Masuzu to be it, even if she's a
manipulative and sadistic self-proclaimed bitch. Maybe it's something to do with spine; Chiwa's okay, but she's really kind of boring to watch. We've all seen the childhood friend before, and Chiwa doesn't really play the role any better than the rest. She keeps quiet, wants Eita to figure out her feelings himself, rather than tell him outright (communication would be to your advantage here, Chiwa) and generally hates the current situation but does very little to actively change it. Masuzu, on the other hand, may not be acting as openly as she should, but she does have
her moments, and they tend to be more interesting than Chiwa's silent resentment. She may not be the nicest girl in the world (not even close), but she knows what she likes and wants, and she
does something about it, even if it's roundabout and cruel. Perhaps it's just that I'm tired of the good girls (or boys) winning the game in harems (it doesn't always happen, but when it does it can get kind of boring) and feel like watching someone a little twisted get a spotlight, but Masuzu is definitely my bet here, though I don't think Eita has quite proven himself worthy yet.

Let me rephrase that; Eita's a decent guy. He's someone willing to go to medical school for a friend, and someone
willing to get his ass kicked by much more intimidating guys by making a
total ass out of himself. But other than that, Eita's not really that interesting; certainly not interesting enough to gather a harem. This is usually my problem with harems in general though; the protagonist is rarely someone genuinely worth fighting for, and occasionally he or she is a completely ridiculous choice. Eita fits more in the first category; I can see where a girl or two would like him, but four seems like a stretch. He's oblivious to a fault and he's the type to
hide a problem rather than deal with it in the open (seriously, why can't you just tell both girls that the other is in your house too?), and in general he just seems like an average guy. I get that that's the idea, but it just starts feeling unnatural after a while. Sure, he's a nice guy, but would these girls really just fight over that one quality? Or maybe they like his
chuunibyou side? It'd be nice to see him become a rounder character, because at the moment, learning about Masuzu is my draw, not Eita.

It seems that the title is finally in play, however. Now that Chiwa has finished with
Sakugawa-senpai, and Masuzu has an inkling of her real feelings for Eita, both girls are suddenly pitted against each other in the real sense, and it's unlikely their friendly and tolerant behavior towards each other will survive after this. The
third girl is also waiting to pounce, having delivered a love letter this week, and Masuzu and Chiwa may just have to join forces to beat her off, because she seems to already know Eita (she considered herself the "she" he mentioned while fighting). Right now, Masuzu has the upper hand; she's the official girlfriend, she's most ready to fight, and she's even
stolen Eita's first kiss. Chiwa has her own advantages though, as she's still the one who knows Eita best and the one he defends when she's in trouble. Hopefully the new girl is more interesting than Chiwa and not just another
osananajimi, because it's hugely unlikely she's even truly in the running.
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