Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fall 2013 Season Preview

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Have we really reached a new season already?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen - 9

"Absent Lovers"

I wonder which girl has it worse, the one who was lied to, or the one who understands her loved one and cares for him despite knowing more about the situation than the rest?

Overall Review: Deadman Wonderland

A part of my childhood has died. A very disturbing and extreme part of my childhood, but a part nonetheless.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Hi everyone, I'm really sorry that LoQ has been really quiet as of late; I've had a hard time adjusting to school and some of my earlier plans fell through as a result. Here's what's happening:

-Eureka Seven: New Order is currently being cleaned by my good friend Efter, so I can't finish translation until she sends me the completed chapter.

-Eureka Seven AO is currently being cleaned by me, but since I've been busy I've set it aside until after I can finish NO.

-Thehouseonmars has quit blogging Free! episodically because she's starting school and can't find the time; however, she will write an overall review by the last episode.

-Kaminai has been dropped, and Shingeki no Kyoujin is on hiatus for a bit because Ivan hasn't had the time to catch up yet.

-I'm still writing Overall Reviews on all the shows I finished this season.

-Ivan and I are working on the Fall Preview, it's a tad belated but should be done soon.

-All my RC show posts will be updated here for the archive's sake, but for now they're all readable on Random Curiosity.

Apologies for all of this, I want to run an organized site but I'll have to get better at finding time first. Thank you so much for sticking to LoQ anyway, I hope to be active more frequently in the Fall; Valvrave and Little Busters: Refrain are definitely being blogged!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen - 7 & 8

"Bad Medicine" and "Goddess Mix"

Sick Keima is adorable Keima.

Friday, September 6, 2013